lunes, 7 de abril de 2008

KUSTOM GRAPHICS: Hot Rods, Burlesque and Rock 'n' Roll

Tengo en mis manos el libro KUSTOM GRAPHICS: Hot Rods, Burlesque and Rock 'n' Roll. Editado por la gente "Korero Books".
256 paginas de diseños con toda la energia de rock'n'roll, impactantes Pin Ups y veloces Hot rods.
Con grandes artistas como: Mich O'Connell, Vince Ray, Rockin' Jelly Bean, Derek Yaniger, David Vicente, Johnny Crap, Dr. Alderete, Keith Weesner, Dirty Donny, Empire 32, y muchos artistas más que admiro y respeto!!
Son en total 39 artistas y yo Sol Rac !!!! Wooouuuu!!
Gracias Korero Books!

I have in my hands the book KUSTOM GRAPHICS: Hot Rods, Burlesque and Rock 'N' Roll. Edited by people "Korero Books."
256 pages with designs All the energy of rock'n'roll, shocking Pin Ups and fast hot rods.
With great artists like: Mich. O'Connell, Vince Ray, Rockin' Jelly Bean, Derek Yaniger, David Vincent, Johnny Crap, Dr. Alderete, Keith Weesner, Dirty Donny, Empire 32, and many more artists that I admire and respect!
There are a total of 39 artists and I Sol Rac
Thanks Korero Books!


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